Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Tuesday 17th July 2012

The last four months have been absolutely manic.  I am now the proud grandmother of a new baby boy as my daughter gave birth by c section on 5th July.  Reuban Bai has joined our ever growing family and we are so pleased to welcome him.  My daughter reports that he is very boring and just sleeps between feeds.  I am sure that wont last long!!!

On the fibre front its been an interesting time, I have been doing a lot of hand dyeing and the results are in the online shop, see link to the right.  I am also busy spinning up lots of west country fleece which has been hand dyed in different colours to start making some small rugs to be put up for sale.  I am also weaving silk scarves to use up my stash of silk yarn. 

Knitting is currently small baby jackets and we are taking a holiday next week so that will be going along for the evenings. 

The girls finish for the summer holidays on Friday and then we have six weeks of fun, I'm looking forward to relaxing and taking things a bit easier on the work front.